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Relax Into your Divine Nature.
บทความ ณ. วันที่ : 4/9/2011        จำนวนคนเข้าชมเว็บ : 231 ครั้ง   

Relax Into your Divine Nature.  

You can find it easy to let go of everything

right now and relax deeply into something

that is sooo sweet, healing and truly Divine.

Your very core essence, your essential Nature

is so exquisite, so beautiful, and truly magnificent,

that if I told you this is who you really were,

you would not believe me.  My advice

for you today is that if you meet someone

and that being says you are not Divine,

turn around and silently walk away.

You must know deeply, intimately, and

in your heart of hearts that no matter what

anyone believes or says, you are truly Supreme.


P.S.  The more you relax, the juicier life becomes... 

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