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Why should we take Nutritional supplements? Why AGEL?
บทความ ณ. วันที่ : 14/9/2011        จำนวนคนเข้าชมเว็บ : 285 ครั้ง   

Why should we take Nutritional supplements? Why we should take Agel?


Ray D.   Strand, M.D.

What your doctor doesn’t know about Nutritional Medicine, maybe killing you!

Recently, the result of death symptom has definitely changed from the past. Former, people die because of infections such as diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, cholera etc.

Now, people died because of  degenerate cells, lack of good water, good air, and take grilled fried and smoked foods that created and collected oxidant in our body, and you don’t know that.

We touch pollution every day, we have less natural weapon to anti-oxidant left in this world. Can we always find detoxify vegetable and fruit? Mineral in the land decrease consistently, how many years to give mineral to our plant? Economy crisis, Green fruits seem too expensive for some family.  Many problems to make degenerate cells. It happens from outside and inside effected such as stressful from working that effect to your body system. Today you still strong and you not know oxidant is creating itself inside your body. When Leukocyte weak, symptom will show up.

Therapy food or what we called “supplements” many people afraid and run after heard this word because they know that they have to pay for it. Truly it very important for protect us from degenerate symptom which in rank of top 10 death symptom every year such as Chromate cancer, heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, clogged blood diseases, etc. the main symptom happen because of weak cell and cell lack of oxygen because weak from beat oxidant that why we have to looking for “therapy food” for defense a collected degenerate in body.


Why should we take nutritional supplements?

Ray D. Strand, M.D. - the expert doctor of medicine and the author “What your doctor doesn’t know about Nutritional Medicine may be killing you” and “Death by Prescription”. He had been research for 10 years, he found that “The high quality of supplementary nutrient” can make your high efficient such as:

  1. To build immune system
  2. Increase Antioxidant potentially for protect degenerate, older and cancer
  3. Decrease the risky of Heart and artery disease,Cancer,Strok,Arthritis,Degenerate cataracts, Alzheimer,Parkinson,Asthma Chronical degenerate
  4. Reduce the chronical degenerate symptom


From this book of Dr. Ray D. Strand, we knew that the medicine students had a few hours to learn about nutrition in 6 years. Mostly they learnt about drugs and operation. So 95% of doctors in this world have no knowledge about nutrition and they will tell you that “you just have 5 groups of foods enough”

The reasons why we must take nutritional supplement? You should answer these questions.

If…you answer is “YES” at least 1 question, you should take “Nutritional Supplement”

  1. You not eat organic food in every meal such as brown rice, grains, vegetables and fresh fruit (non-toxin 100%) tofu seaweed fish and sea foods (non-toxin) etc.
  2. You not eat 5 colors vegetable or eating fruit and vegetable 2 kilograms everyday (or 80% in one day)
  3. You mostly eat fried foods, roasted foods, stir-fried foods. (Source of free radical)
  4. You have no chance to exercise at least 3 times per week.
  5. You need to have “Be healthy until 120 years old without sickness” or you want to be younger than the real age 10-30 years.
  6. You don’t want to be like the others who have sickness or crippled people. It’s like a normal way.
  • 40 years old: Getting sick and Seeing doctor
  • 50 years old: Chronic illness, Cancer, heart troubles, diabetes, high-blooded pressure and have take medicine in whole life
  • 60 years old: Stay at hospital, be a cancer, to take a operations, spending a lot of money
  • 70 years old: Stay at hospital 2-3 months or ICU
  • 80 years old: Be crippled, Paralysis, Staying on bed whole life or Die

In fact, you can prevent all of causes: taking care your cell to be healthy and stimulating your white-blood cell to against free radical. So “Nutritional Supplement” is important.


This is Top 5 reasons for people choose “Nutritional Supplement”

1. Good for health 25.5 %
2. Healthy & reduce illness 24.0 %
3. Have resistance for disease 12.5 %
4. Usefulness for body 9.0 %
5. Weight management 4.0 %